Safaris Uganda Safari

Nyungwe Forest National Park

The Nyungwe Forest National Park is situated in Rwanda’s south-western area, bordering Burundi to the south and Lake Kivu and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. The region of Rusizi, in the southwest of Uganda, is also home to Nyungwe National Park. On the east bank of the Nile and in the western portion of Congo, the Rusizi area is home to both the park and Africa’s largest river.

Nyungwe Forest National Park is a popular safari destination. It is one of only three national parks still in existence in Rwanda and is renowned as the oldest and largest rainforest in East Africa. The area also serves as a refuge for wild chimpanzees and other monkey species.

The Nyungwe Forest National Park in Burundi stretches over the boundary of Parc National de la Kibiri, covering an area of around 1016 square kilometers at an elevation of roughly 1600 to 2950 meters above sea level. The Nyungwe Forest National Park, which includes the rainforest, bamboo, grassland, wetlands, and bogs among other things, was formed in 2004.

Nyungwe Forest National Park attractions.

During their Rwanda safari in the park, guests may see a number of sights in Nyungwe Forest National Park, which includes.

plant species.

More than 1,060 plant and tree species can be found in Nyungwe Forest National Park, with the most attractive ones being taller tree species like the Carapa, Cyathea, Manniana, Newtonia, and Prinaria, which are exceptional standing at a height of 1,900 meters above the sea level. Other species like the Hagenia, syzygium, podocarpus, and macaranga are at a height of 2500 meters and above, while the sub alpine vegetation consisting of


The Nyungwe Forest National Park is a natural paradise, home to a variety of primates, animals, insects, and bird species that draw people from all over the world. Primates such the Angola colobus monkey, Red-tailed monkey, Silver monkey, Golden monkey, Dents Mona monkey, olive baboon, Vervet monkey, and Grey-cheeked manabey are among the creatures found in Nyungwe National Park. The primary tourist attraction and primary activity in the park are the chimpanzees and chimpanzee trekking safari.

Although the Albertine Rift montane forest of the ecoregion in Africa is home to the majority of the Nyungwe national park animals, visitors can also see duikers, golden cats, impalas, bushbucks, buffaloes, elephants, bush pigs, Gant forest hogs, Mongooses, carnival genets, Congo clawless, western tree hyrax, and many other animal species there.

Bird species.

With almost 300 bird species documented, Nyungwe National Park is renowned by Birdlife International as a significant bird location. The many Albertine Rift endemics (birds specific to the Albertine Rift) are of particular interest, and the wide road that runs through the park provides a great vantage point into the canopy. Among the bird species that can be spotted in the Nyungwe Forest national park are the Blue-headed sunbird, Buff-throated apalis, Dwarf crimson wing, Handsome francolin, Kivu ground thrush, Mountain masked apa

Activities done in the Nyungwe Forest National Park.

chimpanzee trekking.

In the chimpanzee trekking activity in Nyungwe Forest National Park, you can observe the chimpanzees as they go about their daily activities in the forest, such as grooming one another, feeding, playing, and other activities. Chimpanzees are one of the animals in the park that share 98% of our DNA with humans.

Canopy walk.

One of the main activities that visitors to the Nyungwe Forest National Park engage in while on safari is canopy walking. This activity takes place 50 meters above the ground and allows visitors to stroll while viewing a variety of wildlife and bird species in the rain forest.

The Nyungwe Forest national park Rwanda is so beautiful because it is very intriguing, you can go on a monkey trek there, and you can see a lot of big, various monkeys, as was already described.

Nyungwe Forest National Park
Canopy walk in Nyungwe Forest National Park

Forest walk.

When you visit Nyungwe National Park, you may go on a forest walk safari where you can observe numerous animal and bird species and learn about their distinctive traits.


The only campsite inside the park is tented, and the tents are pitched on the wooden made of platform instead of like the house because it has no walls, so visitors can enjoy the wild nature of the park while on the camping safari. Camping is another one of the amazing activities in the Nyungwe National Park, and like when it comes to the accommodation inside the park, camping is the only option to be able to spend the night in the tropical rain forest.

Nature trail hiking.

There are 130 kilometers of well-built hiking routes in the Nyungwe Forest national park, with the Congo Nile Divide track being the longest, Imbaraga being the most challenging, and Igishigishigi trail being the shortest. The hiking trail in this park may be completed in 4 hours to 3 days. Before going on a hiking trail safari, a visitor should pack their National ID or passport, a permit, hiking boots, water, trekking sticks, raincoats, and cameras.

bird Watching.

The Nyungwe Forest national park Rwanda is home to over 300 different bird species, 29 of which are endemic to the Albertine region, including the Kungwe Apalis, Shelley crimson wing, and others. Bird watchers are encouraged to bring their binoculars, cameras, guiding books, and other equipment when going birding in the park.

cultural excursions.

The villages that border Nyungwe Forest National Park have coexisted with it and contributed somewhat to its preservation after realizing its significance to Rwanda’s eco system. This will assist you to fully appreciate your Rwanda safari adventure. In an effort to preserve Rwandan culture and provide visitors with a rich experience, community-based activities have been started. Once you arrive in the village, you can participate in events like the dance ceremony, the brewing of banana beer, shooting with a bow and arrow, making traditional medicines, and maize grinding.

Best time to visit Nyungwe Forest National Park.

The dry months of June to August or December to January are the ideal times to explore Nyungwe Forest National Park in southern Rwanda. Although while June to August or December to January are often considered to be the drier months, the Nyungwe forest national park experiences rain nearly all year round. The Nyungwe Forest National Park is available all year round for hiking and chimpanzee trekking. Chimp trekking and forest birding are best done during the rainy months of October to May, although general hiking and seeing other primates may be simpler during the dry months of June to September.

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