Safaris Uganda Safari

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a national park in Uganda. It was established in 1952, and is the second oldest national park in Africa. The park has an area of about 3,500 square kilometers. It is named after Queen Elizabeth II of England. The park is located in western region of Uganda.

The park is home to a variety of wildlife including buffalo, elephant, giraffe and hippopotamus. Queen Elizabeth National Park is also one of the last places in Africa where  you can spot the tree climbing lions can still be seen in large numbers.

Activities to do Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Game drives in Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda.

Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda is the home of a number of endangered species, including buffaloes, elephants, Uganda kobs, giraffes and among others.

Game drives are organized by local guides who take visitors on a 4×4 safari around Queen Elizabeth National Park where they can see the impressive wildlife like lions, elephants, giraffes and others. The safaris offer tourists an opportunity to see the natural habitat of these animals up close and personal while being educated on how they are protected from poaching through anti-poaching campaigns.

Boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda.

The Queen Elizabeth National Park is a national park in Uganda. The Park offers the charming boat cruise where it offers tourists the awesome views of the acquatic bird species like the kingfisher, shoebill stork and among others. At the same time boat cruise done at Kazinga channel in Queen Elizabeth national park offers the tourists with chances of sighting the various numbers of spices along the lake shores as they are drinking and bathing in the water which offers the tourists with unforgettable Uganda safari memories

Queen Elizabeth National Park
Boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Chimpanzee trekking in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Chimpanzee trekking in Queen Lizabeth national park takes place in Kyambura Gorge. The gorge is a home of primates like chimpanzees, monkeys and bird species. It has rainforest vegetation type with tall tresses, canopies that allows low light to reach the ground. Chimpanzee trekking starts with a briefing about the rules and regulations to do when carrying out chimpanzee trekking.

 After the briefing you explore the jungles with the presence of the park guides to look for the chimps. The activity takes 2 to 8 hours depending on the location of the chimpanzees, and once found. The travelers can be given one hour to be in their presence while observing their characters, feeding ways, how they play and others.

Bird watching in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a small national park in Uganda near the town of Queen Elizabeth. It is one of the most visited parks in Africa, with an estimated one million visitors per year.

The park is home to over 600 bird species, including the endangered African penguin and the critically endangered Lappet-faced vulture. The park also has a large population of antelope, buffalo, blue duiker, and giant forest hog

Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth National Park 

Lions are one of Africa’s most iconic predators. They have been hunted for their body parts for centuries, but they also play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by controlling populations of prey species like zebras and wildebeests. .Lions have a diet that consists of wildebeests, gazelles and zebras. They can also eat smaller antelopes like Thompson’s gazelle and birds, swifts and lizards. Lions have no natural predators other than humans.

On a safari to Queen Elizabeth national park, this is where the tourists can get the chance to spot and track the large number of lions together with the presence of the well experienced guides that helps them in the safari activity.

 Queen Elizabeth national park is the only safari destination in the country that offers the adventurous lion tracking experience that is where the tourists drive around the park with a researcher allocated by Uganda carnivore project that helps them to spot the lions. The activity in the park takes place in Kasenyi plains, and it can either be done in the morning or in the evening with the researchers that takes you around the park with the radiation trackers that helps them to find the lions that have radio collars placed around their neck.

Nature walks and hiking safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park

The Queen Elizabeth National Park is a nature park in Uganda. Nature walks around Queen Elizabeth national park and hiking is the best way that exposes and encounters the tourists the entire park on the foot with the presence of the park guides and armered rangers. This is the best way where the tourists get to spot the various biodiversity in the park. This offers the tourists the best Uganda safari moments.

Cultural experiences in Queen Elizabeth National Park 

Queen Elizabeth National Park offers the charming cultural experiences to the travelers that are such exciting that makes various tourists to undertake in Uganda safari tours.Travellers can encounter cultural experiences like Kikorongo equator cultural performers, visiting the traditional Banyarugu and others with the assistance of the guide that knows the best local community members, also touring Lake Katwe salt works where you sight the workers at the Lake collecting the salt from the lake.

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