Safaris Uganda Safari

3 Days Murchison Falls National Park

3 days Murchison Falls National Park is just enough time to experience everything that this incredible park has to offer to all of its tourists throughout the year. The largest protected territory in Uganda is called Murchison Falls, and it is spread across the districts of Masindi, Buliisa, Nwoya, and Kiryandongo. The area of Murchison Falls National Park includes the area surrounding Karuma Falls Wildlife Reserve, Bugungu Wildlife Reserve, and the eastern borders of Lake Albert. Your three days in the Murchison Falls National Park will include a canoe ride to the base of the falls as well as hikes around and up to the falls. Please take notice that the plan’s layout depends on the area of the park and the accommodations you choose.

Day one: Pick up and Transfer to Murchison Falls N.P

You will be picked up at the Entebbe International Airport and taken directly north of Kampala, to the Murchison Falls National Park. The six-hour drive to Murchison Falls National Park will seem to fly by because there is so much to see along the route, such as the locals’ way of life and how they make a living as street vendors. You will appreciate the change in vegetation and the variation in the landscape as a result.

You will stop for lunch en route at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, take a short break, and then continue the remaining distance to the Murchison Falls National Park. If you arrive early, you can take advantage of the evening wildlife drive to see many animals, including buffalo, elephants, and hippos, as they prepare to move in search of food in the evening. After that, you’ll return to your lodge or lodging facility and eat supper there.

Day two : Morning Game Drive and Boat Cruise

On the 2nd day of your 3 Days Murchison Falls National Park, you can see many animals during an early morning wildlife drive as they congregate in Murchison Falls National Park in search of the day’s food. The southern or paraa side of the Murchison Falls National Park will be used for the game excursion. You will see many animals during the game drive, including hippos, Rothschild’s giraffes, and several baboons. (common in the park). You will eat your lunch in one of the lodge’s elegant restaurants, then take a 30-minute break to relax.

3 Days Murchison Falls National Park
Boat Cruise on Murchison Falls

You will embark on the evening boat excursion to the base of the falls in the late afternoon. The boat tour will introduce you to a variety of Nile water species, including herons, water geese, and king fishers in all of their varieties. You will spend a short time at the base of the falls; perhaps you can snap some pictures there. Making memories is amazing. It’s a blissful moment when you reach the top of the falls because the water appears to be flowing beneath a rainbow, which is made when the sun’s rays pass through the misty water droplets that are produced by the force with which the water hits through the narrow gorge. You will then go back to your hotel and possibly prepare your bags for the trip home.

 Day three: Departure

On the 3rd day of your 3 Days Murchison Falls National Park, As soon as you awaken, the skilled cooks of the Chobe Safari Lodge will prepare a delicious English breakfast for you. You will check out of the hotel around 10 a.m , prepare for the trip to Lira Town, and spend a short time there, perhaps exploring the market. You can also buy some snacks from the supermarket to get you through the six-hour drive.

After that, your driver will begin the journey back to Kampala, where you will eat dinner and wait for your departure in one of the hotels. You will be driven by the driver to Entebbe Airport in time for your departure. And that concludes the 3 Days Murchison Falls National Park, which is always worthwhile at the national park’s Murchison Falls.

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