Safaris Uganda Safari

5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour

5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour : A spectacular, eye-catching Uganda safari package called the 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi Falls Tour offers visitors the chance to interact with wildlife and take in the breathtaking Sipi Falls Tour. The Uganda safari will provide you with the best opportunity to experience the wild, taking place in one of Uganda’s most abundant national parks. This park is home to a wide range of wildlife, including lions, elephants, and zebras, all of which can be seen during daytime game drives. The park’s high density of animals ensures that you won’t go a day without seeing a different animal species, including rare carnivores like the bat-eared fox, and others. The Kidepo Valley National Park Tour will provide you with the best possible exposure to the various bird species that can be viewed, as well as sights like the Narus Valley, home to numerous kinds of monkeys, the Lomej Mountains, and a plethora of other things just waiting for your exploration.

Highlights of the 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour.

Day 1: Transfer to Kitgum.

Day 2: Transfer to Kidepo.

Day 3: Morning game drive, cultural encounters.

Day 4: Transfer to Sipi falls.

Day 5: City tour and transfer back to Kampala.

Detailed Itinerary.


Day 1: Transfer to Kitgum.

On the first day of 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour. Our guide and driver will pick you up at a location of your choosing in Kampala City at precisely 6 am. Before you travel to Kidepo National Park, you will first receive information about your 5-day Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi Falls tour.

You will stop for lunch in Kitgum before continuing on to the only white rhino sanctuary in Uganda, Ziwa, where you may do rhino trekking and possibly see a variety of wildlife and bird species, including the shoe-billed stork. You will check into your hotel in Kitgum for dinner and the night after the rhino tracking activities.

Day 2: Transfer to Kidepo.

On the second day of 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour. At 7 am, after a leisurely breakfast at your accommodation, our guide will meet you to transport you to the Kidepo Valley. You will check into your accommodation after you arrive at the park so you may unwind before lunch. As an alternative, you can take a nature walk in the park to witness various bird species. After lunch and a break for refreshments, the park is at its best in the late afternoon.

 You will go and take part in a late game drive where you can witness waterbucks, zebras, and elephant herds stamping their feet. Grant’s gazelles are dispersed around the plains, grazing, and many lion prides can be spotted waiting for prey. When predators begin searching for prey, tension among the animals increases. Observing the kobs’ tight escape from the lions will pique your curiosity about how it all turns out. After you will go back to your lodge for the evening relaxation, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Morning Game Drive & Cultural Encounters.

5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour
Kidepo Valley National Park

On the third day of the 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi Falls tour, head out for a thrilling game drive after an early-morning breakfast. You’ll experience an adrenaline rush as you watch the animals’ genuine reactions like the lions growing and the elephants stamping their feet, quenching your yearning for the natural world. You want to record the delightful sensation of seeing animals stare at you with curiosity on camera.  You will have the opportunity to witness a variety of species during the early game drive that you were unable to see during the afternoon game drive. You will return to your hotel for lunch after the lovely meeting and wait for your community interaction.

Cultural Encounter with the Karamojong: After lunch, you will travel to the Karamajong village to visit some of its famed “manyatta” grass-thatched homes, which are surrounded by twin walls of thorns to keep out intruders. As a result of the Karamajong people’s reputation for pastoral nomadism, you will likely see a certain number of cow herds. The community encounters are quite exciting in that traditional dances like Larakaraka dances and Apiti dances will be performed as a way to amuse guests. It is quite interesting and exciting to watch, and you can also participate in the dances and have the authentic experience. Return to your hotel for dinner and the night after the thrilling event.

Day 4: Transfer to Sipi Falls.

On the fourth day of the 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi Falls tour. Our guide will then pick you up and drive you to Sipi Falls.

Upon arrival at the falls, a guide will greet you and give you instructions on how to proceed with the hike before leading you to the top of the falls. There are three falls that can be hiked to in different order and at different heights, but all three can be reached in 4 hours. From the top of the falls, you can take pictures to capture the moment forever. Then, after a downhill trek to your hotel for dinner and the night, you will return.

Day 5: Departure.


On the final day of the five-day Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi Falls tour, you will transfer to Mbale town where you will take a city tour and look at various attractions. You will visit various markets and observe how people go about their daily lives. You will also have the opportunity to visit the Semei Kakungulu tombs and the Mutoto circumcision, where mass circumcision of boys in the culture is performed, a practice that is considered to be barbaric.

Return to Kampala: After the city tour, you will eat lunch before travelling back to Kampala, where you will be dropped off at a place of your choosing to conclude your five-day safari to the Kidepo National Park and Sipi Falls.

End of the 5 Days Kidepo Wildlife & Sipi falls tour


Trip Inclusions

An English speaking guide.

Entrance permits.

Meals and bottled water.

4X4 safari vehicle & Fuel Game drives.


Community encounters.

Trip exclusions.

Visa fees.

Personal expenses Tips Uganda visa fees.

Activities that are not included in the itinerary.

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