Safaris Uganda Safari


3 days Uganda habituation chimpanzee experience

3 days Uganda habituation chimpanzee experience is an extraordinary Uganda safari that takes you to Kibale national park which is known as a home to primates such as chimpanzees, grey cheeked mangabey, white and black colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys among others. Besides primates it’s a home to mammals such as buffaloes,

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7 Days Kibale, Queen Elizabeth and Bwindi safari

This fascinating 7 Days Kibale, Queen Elizabeth and Bwindi safari will take you to the three most popular national parks, including Queen Elizabeth national park where you can see various animals like elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, Uganda kobs, waterbucks, hippos, warthogs, bushbucks, Nile crocodiles, and diadactyls, as well as Kibale forest national park where you

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4 Days queen Elizabeth and lake Mburo park safari

This 4 Days queen Elizabeth and lake Mburo park safari is an exciting excursion that takes you to Queen Elizabeth National Park, the second-largest national park in Uganda, which is rich in biodiversity and home to the big 4 mammals—elephant, buffalo, lions, and leopards—as well as other animals like waterbucks, bushbucks, Uganda kobs, warthogs, and bird

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